1 | 103 106 109 1012 104 | 103 106 109 1012 104
thousand million billion trillion ten thousand |
2 | 小数 Decimal | 3.45 | three point four five | |
3 | 分数 Fraction | a half, one half a third two thirds three tenths one and a half three fourths |
4 | 足し算 Addition | 12 + 5 = 17 | ・Twelve plus five equals seventeen. ・Twelve plus five makes seventeen. ・The sum (total) of 12 and 5 is 17. |
5 | 引き算 Subtraction | 12 ー 5 = 17 | ・Twelve minus five equals (is) seven. ・Subtract 5 from 12, the answer is (yields) 7. |
6 | 98 ー 7 + 2 =? | ・Subtract 7 from 98 and add 2 wht is the result? | ||
7 | 掛け算 Multiplication | 20 x 3 = 60 | ・Twenty multiplied by 3 equals 60. ・Twenty times 3 is 60. ・Multiply 20 by 3 to get 60. |
8 | 割り算 Division | 20 ÷ 4 = 5 | ・20 divided by equals (is, makes, gives) 5. | |
9 | 20 ÷ 2= 10 21 ÷ 3 = 7 |
・Half of 20 gives 10. ・One-third of 21 is 7. |
10 | x2 x10 | x2: two fold, two times, power of two, double x10: ten-fold, ten times, power of ten |
11 | ルート Root | square root of a cube root of a n-th root of a |
12 | べき乗 Exponent | x2 x3 x4 | x2 x3 x4 x squared x cubed x to the fourth [x (raised) to the fourth (power)] |
13 | x-2 x1/3 | x-2 x1/3 x to the minus two (power) x to the one-third (power) |
14 | 100 10x | 100 10x
ten to the zero power ten to the x-th power |
15 | 丸め Rounding | 20 ÷ 2.2 = 9.09 → 9.1 | Twenty diveded by two point two is nine point zero nine; it is nine point one when rounding (off). | |
16 | 方程式 Equations | kx i = ∫ x dm | k times x sub i equals the integral of x dm. |
・ | We increased output by a factor of five. 出力を5倍に | |
・ | If the mass of a weight is doubled in a spring, by what factor does the period change? 周期は何倍に? | |
・ | By what factor does the kinetic energy of a car change when its speed is tripled 運動エネルギーは何倍に? | |
・ | This rope is three times longer than that one. = This rope is three times as long as that o あのロープより3倍長い | |
・ | How many times heavier is an elephant than a mous ネズミの体重の何倍か? |